We are receiving tons of emails from our users asking about the problem with Reliance Power Ltd IPO refunds and allotment.
If you are having problem receiving Reliance Power IPO refund or have a question about irregularities in Reliance Power IPO Allotment, please follow the below steps to resolve the problem with Karvy in efficient manor.
Please remember that ‘Registrar of the IPO' (Karvy in case of Reliance Power Ltd IPO) is responsible for processing IPO applications. This includes allotment and refund processing. The issuer company, lead manager or broker are not responsible for this and should not be contacted for the same.
1. Visit ‘Karvy's' local offices or call your nearest branch to file a written complain.
A. To get the contact information open below link in browser:
B. Click on link ‘Our Network' on top right side of the page.
C. Choose your city and get the contact information.
Make sure that you have a written application ready with all the detail before contacting Karvy's office.
2. Send the following information to Karvy through an email at reliancepower.ipo@karvy.com
Problem statement -
Company Name - Reliance Power Ltd IPO
Application Number -
Applicant Name -
Number of Shares Applied -
Applicant Amount -
Cheques Number -
Bank Name -
Depository Client ID -
3. File your complain online with ‘Karvy' using following steps:
A. Open below link in browser:
B. Choose ‘Company Name' as ‘Reliance Power Ltd'.
C. Enter your ‘Application No' and click ‘Go'. This will bring you to a form to fill.
D. Fill all the detail and submit it. Expect karvy's response in next 3 days on the email address you provided.
4. File your complain online with ‘SEBI' using following steps:
A. Click the below link in browser:
B. Fill the required info and submit the form.
There are many IPO investors and many of them are first time investors are having problem with Reliance Power IPO allotment and refunds. As per our sources Karvy is working hard to resolve all pending issues and hopefully all investors will get there refund soon.
Visit http://www.investlogic.in for latest updates about IPO.
Investlogic.in Team
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